##4.1函数 函数是有名称的闭包
//func funcName(paramName : type , ...) -> returnTypefunc fahrenheitToCelsius(fahrenheitValue : Double) -> Double { var result : Double result = (((fahrenheitValue - 32) * 5) / 9) return result}
##4.2 调用函数
var outdoorInFahrenheit = 88.2var outdoorInCelsius = fahrenheitToCelsius(fahrenheitValue: outdoorInFahrenheit)
func BulidASentence(subject : String ,choiceBool : Bool, Number : Double) -> String{ let boolString = String(choiceBool) let NumberString = String(Number) return subject + " " + boolString + " " + NumberString + "!"}var Asentence = BulidASentence(subject:"Swift",choiceBool:true,Number:10)BulidASentence(subject: "I", choiceBool: false, Number: 5)
//func funcName(paramName : type , ...) -> Any
//func funcName(paramName : type , ...) -> Viodfunc sayGoodbye(personName: String) { print("Goodbye, \(personName)!")}sayGoodbye(personName: "Zoujie")
func addMyAccountBalances(blances : Double ... , name : String) -> Double{ var result : Double = 0 for blance in blances{ result += blance } return result}addMyAccountBalances(blances: 3.12,11.11,22.32, name: "Zoujie")
//largestfunc findLargestBalance(blaces : Double ...) -> Double{ var result : Double = -Double.infinity// var result : Double = 0 print("\(result)") for blance in blaces{ if blance > result{ result = blance } }return result}findLargestBalance(blaces: -11.33,-22,11,-0.1)//smallestfunc findSmallestBalance(balances : Double ...) -> Double{// var result : Double = Double.infinity 64位判定数字大于1.797693134862315e+308 为无穷大 var result : Double = 0 for blance in balances{ if (blance < result){ result = blance } } return result}findSmallestBalance(balances: -11.11,-111.11,-20)
参考文章数学与数字// 无穷 ##4.7默认参数 //赋值给参数,进行默认参数设置
func writeCheck(payee : String = "Unknown" , amount : String = "10.00") -> String{ return "Check payable to " + payee + " for $" + amount}writeCheck()//"Check payable to Unknown for $10.00"writeCheck(payee: "Zoujie", amount: "11111111")//Check payable to Zoujie for $11111111"
##4.8函数是一级对象 1.将函数赋值给常量
var account1 = ("State Bank Personl",1011.10)var account2 = ("State Bank Business",24309.63)func deposit(amount : Double, account :(name : String , balance : Double)) -> (String,Double){ let newBalance : Double = account.balance + amount return (account.name , newBalance)}func withdraw(amount : Double , account :(name : String , balance : Double)) -> (String , Double){ let newBalance : Double = account.balance - amount return (account.name , newBalance)}//函数赋值给常量let mondayTransaction = depositlet fridayTransaction = withdrawlet mondayBalance = mondayTransaction(300.00 , account1)//let mondayBalance = deposit(amount: 300.00, account: account1)等同上面let fridayBalance = fridayTransaction(1200 , account2)
//返回的函数 (Double ,(String , Double)) ->(String , Double)即为deposit或withdraw函数func chooseTransaction(transaction : String) -> (Double , (String , Double)) ->(String , Double){ if transaction == "Deposit"{ return deposit//deposit 返回参数也为(String , Double) } return withdraw}//1.返回函数赋值给常量let myTransaction = chooseTransaction(transaction: "Deposit")myTransaction(110.01,account2)//2.直接调用返回函数chooseTransaction(transaction: "Withdraw")(11.11,account1)
func bankVault(passcode : String) -> String { //嵌套内函数,作用域只存在上层函数中,外部不可调用 func openBankVault() -> String{ return "Vault opened" } func CloseBankVault() -> String{ return "Vault closed" } if passcode == "secret" { return openBankVault() }else{ return CloseBankVault() }}print(bankVault(passcode: "secret"))print(bankVault(passcode: "wrongsecret"))
func whiteBetterCheck(from payer : String , to payee : String ,total amount : Double) -> String{ return "Check payable from \(payer) to \(payee) for $\(amount)"}//from , to , total 作为外部参数名 方便调用者查看whiteBetterCheck(from: "Zoujie", to: "My wife", total: 1111111111)//"Check payable from Zoujie to My wife for $1111111111.0"
##4.10 inout参数 关键字inout告诉Swift,在函数内部可能修改这个参数的值,且这种修改必须反映到调用者处
func cashBestCheck(from : String , to : inout String , total : Double) -> String{ if to == "Cash"{ to = from } return "Check payable from \(from) to \(to) for $\(total) has been cashed"}var payer = "James Perry"var payee = "Cash"print("\(payee)")//CashcashBestCheck(from: payer, to: &payee, total: 111.11)//"Check payable from James Perry to James Perry for $111.11 has been cashed"print("\(payee)")//"James Perry"
#4.2闭包 闭包与函数类似,就是一个代码块封装了其所处环境的所有状态,在闭包之前声明的所有变量和常量都会被它捕获
{(parameters) ->return_type in statements}let simpleInterestCalculationClosure = {(loanAmount : Double , interesRate : Double , years : Int) -> Double in var newinteresRate = interesRate / 100.0 var interest = Double(years) * newinteresRate * loanAmount//单利计算 return loanAmount + interest}func loadCalculator(loanAmount : Double , interestRate : Double , years : Int , calculator : (Double, Double,Int) ->Double) ->Double{ let totalPayout = calculator(loanAmount,interestRate,years) return totalPayout}var simple = loadCalculator(loanAmount: 10_000, interestRate: 3.875, years: 5, calculator: simpleInterestCalculationClosure)//11937.5let compoundInterestCalculationClosure = {(loanAmount : Double , interestRate : Double , years : Int) -> Double in var newinterestRate = interestRate / 100.0 var compoundMultiplier = pow(1.0 + newinterestRate, Double(years))//pow求幂函数 return loanAmount * compoundMultiplier//复利计算}var compound = loadCalculator(loanAmount: 10_000, interestRate: 3.875, years: 5, calculator: compoundInterestCalculationClosure)//12093.58841287692